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Document-specific information
Title: "The Pilgrimage to Parnassus," and "The Return from Parnassus;" two comedies.
Date: 1598-1601
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: Rawl. D. 398, item 72, fols. 214v, 215r, 216v
ragged companions I reward the poore ergoes moste boun=
tifullie, and send them away, I am verie latelie registred
in the roules of fame, in an Epigram made by a Cam=
bridge man our weauer fellow I parraut him, els
could he never haue had such a quick sight into my
ventures, howsoeuer I merit his praise: if I meet with him
I will vouchsafe to giue him condigne thankes.
Ingen. Great reason the Muses shoulde flutter about youre
immortall heade since your bodye is nothinge but a faire
Inne of fairer guestes that dwell therin, but you haue
digrest from your Mris, for whose sake you & I began
this parley
Gullio. Marrie well remembred, Ile repeat vnto you an enthu=
siasticall oration, wherwith my new Mistress ears were
verie lately made happie. the carriage of my body by
the reporte of my mistriss was excellent . I stood stroking
vp my haire, which became me very admirably, saue alow
cong.y at the beginninge of each period made euery
sentence end sweetly with an othe . It is part of an
Oratoure to persvade, & I know not how better , than
to conclude with such earnest protestations. suppose also
that thou wert my Mris as somtime woodde statues repre=
sent the goddesses, thus I woulde looke amorously, thus
I would pace, thus I woulde salute Her.
Ingen. It will be my lucke to dye noe other death, than by
hearinge of his follies, I feare this speach thats a comminge
will breede a deadly disease in my ears .
Gullio. Pardon faire Lady, thoughe sicke thoughted Gullio maks
a maine vnto thee, & like a bould faced sutore gins to woo
Ingen. we shall haue nothinge but pure Shakspeare, and shreds of
poetrie that he hath gathered at the theators.
Gullio. Pardon mee moy mittressa, as I am a gentleman the moone
in comparison of thy bright hue a meere slutt, Anthonies
Cleopatra a blacke browde milkmaide, Hellen a dowdie
Ingen: Marke Romeo, and Iuliet. o monstrous theft I thinke he
will runn throughe a whole booke of Samuell Daniells
Gullio Thrise fairer than my selfe, thus I began
the gods faire riches sweete aboue compare
staine to all Nimphes, ore louely the a man
More white and red than doues and roses are
Nature that made thee with herselfe had strife
faith that the worlde hath ending with thy life.
Ingen: Sweete Mr Shakspeare.
Gullio As I am a scholler these arms of mine are long and
strong withall.
Thus elms by vines are compast ere they falle.
Ingen: faith gentleman youre reading is wonderfull in our English
Gullio. Sweet Mistress I vouchsafe to take some of there wordes and
applie them to mine owne matters by a scholasticall
imitation, Report thou vpon thy credit is not my vayne
in courtinge gallant, & honorable?
Ingen: Admirable sanes compare, neuer was soe mellifluous a witt
ioynet to so pure a phrase, such comly gesture, suche
gentleman like behauiour.
Gullio But stay ites verie true, good wittes haue badd memories
I had almoste forgotten the cheife pointe I cald thee out
for new years day approcheth, and wheras other gallantes
bestowe Jewells vpon there mistrisses (as I haue done
whilome) I now count it base. to do as the common people
doe, I will bestow vpon them the precious stons of my
witt a diamonde of invention, that shall be aboue all
value, & esteeme, therfore sithens I am employed in some
weightie affayrs of the courte I will haue thee Ingenioso
to make them, and when thou hast done, I will peruse
pollish, and correcte them /