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Document-specific information
Title: The accompte of the right honoble the Lo. Stanhope of Harrington Trer of his mats chamber for all such somes of money as hath beine receaved and paied by him within his office from the feaste of St. Michaell Tharchangell anno r. Regis Jacobi decimo (1612) untill the feaste of St. Michaell anno r. Regis Jacobi undecimo (1613), conteyning one whole yeare.
Date: 1612-1613
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: Rawl. A 239, fol. 47v
Item paid to Iohn Heminges vppon the Cowncells warrant,
dated att Whitehall xxo die Maij 1613 for presentinge
before the Princes highnes the Lady Elizabeth and the Prince
Pallatyne Elector fowerteene severall playes viz one
playe called ffilaster, One other called the knott: of ffooles,
One other Much adoe abowte nothinge, The Mayeds Tragedy
The merye dyvell of Edmonton, The Tempest, a kinge
and no king. The Twins Tragedie / The Winters-
Tale, Sir Iohn ffalstafe, The Moore of Venice, The
Nobleman, Caesars Tragedye / And one other called Love
lyes a bleedinge, all which Playes weare played within the
tyme of this Accompte, viz paid the some of
iiij xiij li vj s viij d ./
Item paid to the said Iohn Heminges vppon the lyke warrant
dated att Whitehall xxo die maij 1613 for presentinge
sixe severall playes viz one playe called a badd beginninge
makes a good endinge, One other called the Capteyne, One
other the Alcumist./ One other Cardenno./ One other
The hotspurr./And one other called Benedicte and
Betteris All played within the tyme of this Accompte viz
paid ffortie powndes, And by waye of his Maiesties rewarde
[.st] Cowncells Warrant/ twentie powndes In all
Lx li ./
Item paid to Phillipp Losseter vppon the Cowncells
warrant dated att Whitehall xxiiijth die Novembris
1612 for himself and the Children of the Queenes maiesties
Revells, for presentinge before the Princes highnes: the Lady
Elizabeth grace, and the Cownt Pallatyne; a Commedye
called the Coxcombe the some of
vj li xiij s iiij d
Item paid to the said Phillipp Losseter vppon the lyke warrant
dated att Whitehall vltimo die Maij 1613 for presentinge
two severall playes, before the Princes highnes, One
vppon the ixth of Ianuerie last called Cupides revenge; And
the other called the Widdowes Teares, vppon the xxvijth
of ffebr: followinge the some of
xiij li vj s viij d
173-6-8 exr