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At some point in 1608, Mathew Law re-published Richard II, including a new title page.
At first glance, this copy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, also published in 1609, might look just like the copy at the University of Manchester Library. However, there is a slight difference in the second-to-last line of the imprint.
This is the second edition of Troilus and Cressida. This play was recorded twice in the Stationers’ Company register before it was ever printed.
The publication rights for Romeo and Juliet were transferred twice in 1607, on January 22 from Cuthbert Burby to Nicholas Ling, and on November 19 from Ling to John Smethwicke.
Shakespeare’s collection of 154 poems in the English sonnet form was first published in 1609.
This is the first edition of Troilus and Cressida. This play was recorded twice in the Stationers’ Company register before it was ever printed.
John Davies of Hereford was one of the most prolific poets of his age. He was born about 1565 and died in 1618, making him William Shakespeare’s nearly exact contemporary.
The second edition of Pericles was printed in 1609, the same year as the first.
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First published in 1609, Pericles was among the most popular plays in print during the early 17th century, with a total of six editions published by 1635.
